- A preheating process by induction involves heating materials or workpieces before further processing.
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What is induction preheating?
- Preheating by induction of materials or workpieces is a process that takes place prior to further processing. Preheating is carried out for a variety of reasons. It is common practice for cable and wire cores to be preheated before insulation extrusion. Preheating steel strips in preparation for pickling and zincing is also common practice. Metals are also softened by induction preheating before bending as well as tubes and pipes are preheated for welding. On-site bearing repairs can be made with mobile preheating systems.
What are the advantages of induction preheating?
- With LJ Induction preheating systems, you’ll save a lot of energy. Dial rectifiers ensure a power factor of 0.95 when preheating steel strips and cables, eliminating reactive power costs. Continuous automatic matching allows for short cycle times and wide product ranges with a single coil. It is easy to integrate induction preheating systems into existing or planned production lines since they are compact.
Where is induction preheating used?
- In the fields of automobiles, mechanicals, aeronautics, electrotechnical appliances, white goods, and ships, induction preheating is employed. Those who work in the welding industry are particularly interested in induction preheating. For onsite preheating of welds in the offshore sector, we use our induction welding systems. As well as performing repairs and maintenance on oil platforms and airports, induction welding units often fly to oil fields and airports.


Renewable Energy

Aviation And Aerospace

Household Products

Electrical Motors And Pumps



Oil And Gas

Metal And Foundry



Tube And Pipe

Wire And Cable

- we are dedicated to providing the best suitable induction heating solutions for our customers. Our mission starts with our free testing & solution, in which we solve the most challenging heating applications, confirming the heating process that can benefit from our systems.